Horsepower Rally 2024
Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th September 2024
The Horse Power Rally is a fundraising event to raise funds for the storing, protection and restoration of vintage machinery at the South Canterbury Traction Engine and Transport Museum.
This event will run over two days, Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th of September 2024 and will be held at the Levels International Motor Raceway in Levels, Timaru.
This years Horse Power Rally will celebrate 60 years of the club with a focus on the machine that started it all, the traction engine. With trailer rides, threshing, chaff cutting and heavy haulage demonstrations, this is not an event to be missed. The raceway will be covered from top to bottom in vintage and classic trucks, tractors, cars of all make and models, stationery engines.
Horsepower Rally 2024 will be a fun event for the whole family with entertainment, music, food, fun activities, with displays happening all day long.
Machines can be on the grounds from mid-day Friday with the show starting 9.30am Saturday.
The gates will open at 10.00 am Saturday and Sunday. All show machines and vehicles must be on their sites before 9.00am Saturday.
Public Entry: $15 per person, Under 16 FREE
For any further information follow our Official Horsepower Rally Facebook Page or Contact:
Gordon Handy - 027 433 3814
Donna Hardie - 027 451 8585
Bruce Anderson - 027 437 2448